Why should you exercise?
Why should you keep mentally active?
Why should you learn a new skill?
These somewhat philosophical questions are the ones that we may occasionally ask ourselves about our own lives. The answer to all of them is seemingly self-explanatory (“because there are decades of painstaking scientific research indicating that there are numerous physical, emotional and psychological benefits to engaging in activities that improve our overall health”).
If only the world was so simple and straightforward. Most of us know that we should exercise, keep mentally active, and learn new skills. We know these are the factors that will increase the probability of us living longer, happier and healthier lives. But so many of us – rightly or wrongly – put obstacles in the way of these indisputable truths. There’s no time. I’m not motivated. I have too many other commitments. I can’t, because of ‘this reason’ that stops me.
There are parallels with the topic you see at the beginning of this article. We all know that we should train our dogs. It is not only in their best interests, but it is in ours, too. Yet it’s so easy to put those same barriers in the way of working with our dogs. Time. Motivation, Commitments. Reasons.
As responsible dog owners, one way to place an emphasis on dog training is to recognize the benefits of it. Just like humans exercise, or keep mentally active, or learn a new skill, training should become a fundamental part of our dog’s life. It allows a dog to reach its full potential, offering them the opportunity to learn and develop. Furthermore, dog training should be a lifelong endeavor – not just a one-time-only initiative. We should always explore ways to provide new training opportunities to our dogs, as this contributes to keeping them mentally and physically healthy.
In this article, we’ll dive a little deeper to explore the reasons why you should train your dog.
Keeps your dog safer
First and foremost, dog training is one of the best ways to keep your pup out of trouble. A reliable recall can be invaluable if your dog runs into the path of oncoming traffic, or bolts when you’re in a public park. There are a large number of scenarios where dog training brings a level of control that you will be grateful for as their guardian.
Improves communication
Working with your dog will naturally improve the level of communication between the two of you. Through repetition, your dog will understand the importance of responding to your cues. You’ll also be able to easily identify when they are – and aren’t – listening to your instructions. This can be particularly useful when doing advanced training activities such as agility or search and rescue, where handler-dog communication is crucial.
Reduces owner stress
It is amazing what a difference it makes to have a well-trained dog. If you’ve ever taken an unruly dog out in public, you know how stressful it can be – with the underlying stress of potential encounters with another dog or human. Working with your dog offers you peace of mind that you can trust your dog when you’re walking them at a park or in a downtown area.
Builds your dog’s confidence
Undersocialized dogs are often nervous when they are taken outside of the familiar surroundings of home. A well-rounded training plan should include a socialization component which helps to expose the dog to novel environments and stimuli. Making training sessions a positive experience and providing your dog with plenty of praise helps to further increase their confidence.
Provides physical exercise
Dog training isn’t just about the obedience commands of sit, down and stay. It can be used to fulfill part of your dog’s exercise quota, whether through off-leash training over larger distances, or through specialized training like search and rescue or detection work. Every outing is, in its own way, a training session for your dog.
Offers mental stimulation
A healthy dog isn’t simply one who is in great physical shape. Mental and emotional health is also important to reduce the potential for destructive behavior. Enrichment activities are a great way to force your dog to think, and several aspects of dog training encourage them to do just that. Some activities like scent work rely on your dog having to problem-solve by using their nose and brain in conjunction.
Creates a strong handler-dog bond
Whether you’re a handler deploying with a human remains detection (HRD) dog, a service dog owner who utilizes a service animal to help with everyday tasks, or a family looking for a loving companion animal, the strength of the human-canine bond cannot be underestimated. Training activities are almost always something you will do together, and engaging in them can help to strengthen that unbreakable bond.
Gives you - and your dog - a sense of purpose
Dog training isn’t easy. It is something you will need to work on frequently, even if your dog has completed a formal dog training program. Continuing to work together on these training endeavors is a fantastic way to give both you and your dog a sense of purpose. Consider setting specific training goals on an ongoing basis to give you both something to aspire towards.
Improves your dog’s quality of life
Dogs didn’t evolve to live the entirety of their lives curled up on their bed or confined to the indoors. It’s an inescapable fact – training makes your dog’s life better. Not only will they be excited when they know it is time to train, but the skills and confidence they will acquire will encourage healthy physical, emotional and psychological development.
In conclusion
Dog training can be transformational. We have seen countless examples over the years of families who were so frustrated with their dog’s behavior that they were tempted to rehome them – yet with patience, practice and consistency, we were able to guide them towards a place where the frustration disappeared, and they were able to truly appreciate the benefits of owning a confident, socialized and fulfilled dog.
You should train your dog because it is in their best interests. You should train your dog because it is in your best interests. You should train your dog because your family will benefit from it. You should train your dog because it is fun. You should train your dog because of all the reasons we listed in this article.
You should train your dog.